Sunday, March 7, 2010

West Hill Cemetery

The West Hill Cemetery, fall, 2009. Dexter Crossman died in the Battle of Cedar Creek. This marker is actually a cenotaph, shared at the front of his parents, Amos and Polly (Wheat) Crossman. Civil War soldiers were the first and last to have their military details on their gravestones. Dexter Crossman is actually buried in Virginia.

Buried here are many of the original settlers of the Land of Goshen. Eri and Lyn Jones, John McGibbon, a veteran of the Mexican American War, Fanny Cary (2nd wife of David Cary) and her children, and David's first wife Clarissa Brown, Mary Smith (Douglas), Viola McGibbon Smith, Joshua and Sarah (Kinsman) Whitney, John O. Whitney, Royal Laird, Ezra and Sabra (Jones) Towle, Mary (Town) Kinsman, Estella Kinsman, Esther Carr, the wife of George Ruff, and others.

Until 1847, West Hill was called Old Philadelphia. Hunters still say, "Let's go up to Old Philadelphia to hunt bear!"

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